(Washington Post, October 30, 1959, p.D2)
In 1959 Michael B. Inscoe lived at 2401 Tunlaw Road, and his connection with the neighborhood exceeded forty years.
“Benton Street and Tunlaw Road––The International Realty and Development Company to Michael B. Inscoe, lots 342, 343, 344, square 1301.” (“Real Estate Transfers”, Washington Post, September 9, 1915, p.12)
“North of Benton Street Northwest and West of Tunlaw Road––Michael B. Inscoe to Rose Inscoe, lot 342, square 1301.” (“Real Estate Transfers”, Washington Post, December 20, 1916, p.10)
“M.R. Inscoe will erect two dwellings, 2532-34 Tunlaw Road N.W.; Walter case, contractor: estimated cost, $7,500.”(Manufacturers’ Record, Volume 82, July 13, 1922, p.89)
3715 Manor Place, Michael B. Inscoe, 1925.
“M.B. Inscoe, to erect two story brick dwelling, 2117 Tunlaw road northwest; estimated cost, $7,500.”(“Building Permits”, Washington Post, August 28, 1927, p.R4)
August 28, 1928, Michael B. Inscoe to Ethel C. Bennett, parts of lots 290 and 291, Beatty and Hawkins’ Addition to Georgetown.
“L.M.B. Inscoe, two-story brick dwelling at 3730 W street northwest, cost $13,000.” (“Building Permits”, Washington Post, May 17, 1931, p.R1.
Memories and photographs to share?
Contact: moc.yrotsihkraprevolg@notlrac